How do you help students who struggle with reading?

I was part of the team that designed and developed the innovative instructional tools that comprise READ180, a reading intervention program for students in Grades 4–12 who read at least two years below grade level.

Based on a blended instructional model, READ 180 includes whole-group instruction and three small-group rotations, adaptive software, differentiated instruction, and independent reading. The technology collects data based on individual responses and adjusts instruction to meet each students’ needs at their level, accelerating their path to reading mastery.

As Design Manager, my role included:

  • managing cross-platform components from ideation to introduction
  • collaborating with interdisciplinary development teams, using Agile and Scrum methodologies
  • establishing and maintaining graphic standards and brand guidelines
  • ensuring user experience continuity across student and teacher components
  • defining and implementing design specifications
  • meeting instructional goals and marketing objectives

Instructional Software

Interactive Teaching System (ITS)

The Interactive Teaching System (ITS) connects teachers to online instruction and point-of-use professional development videos.

It was my job to prepare and share digital assets for use in the ITS.

READ 180 Interactive Teaching System (ITS)

Student Application

Targeted Learning

Students are systematically guided through learning zones, engaging in differentiated skill instruction and practice on areas where students struggle most: spelling, writing, academic vocabulary, and comprehension.

It was my job to prepare and share digital assets for the software and to ensure that the digital and print components were graphically aligned.


rSkills Test

rSkills is a computer-based test within the READ 180 program that measures a student’s reading skills across various areas like phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. It is used to evaluate a student’s reading abilities and determine their appropriate learning path within the READ 180 program.

It was my job to prepare and share digital assets for the software and to ensure that the digital and print components were graphically aligned.

Teacher’s Edition


I was responsible for coordinating and supervising the design of nine workshops each for five different grade levels of instruction. (That’s over 1500 pages of unique content!)

READ 180 Teacher rBook Cover
READ 180 Teacher rBook Overview
READ 180 Teacher rBook Reading
READ 180 Teacher rBook Vocabulary
READ 180 Teacher rBook Writing

Student Edition


READ180 rBooks are engaging, interactive worktexts that provide daily instruction in critical reading, vocabulary, writing, 21st century learning, and grammar skills.

READ 180 Student rBook Cover
READ 180 Student rBook Opener
READ 180 Student rBook Reading
READ 180 Student rBook Vocabulary
READ 180 Student rBook Writing
READ 180 Student rBook Functional Literacy


Resources for Differentiated Instruction (RDI)

I created hundreds of downloadable, standards-aligned teacher resources to support comprehension, reteaching, and extension.