Does investing in design pay?
Sophisticated design helps Thresher Fixed communicate the value of their modern approach to fixed income portfolio management: alpha (not beta) should be the primary driver of excess returns.
For investors, Alpha and beta are two of the key measurements used to evaluate the performance of a stock, a fund, or an investment portfolio.
Alpha measures an asset’s return relative to a benchmark (such as the S& 500).
Beta measures how volatile a stock or portfolio is relative to a benchmark index, using historical market data.
Brand Identity
I collaborate with Outsourced Growth Marketing to create marketing materials that tell the Thresher Fixed brand story in an appealing and easy-to-understand manner. This involves visually articulating their investment expertise and data insights and creating meaningful differentiation for the Thresher family of funds.
Targets core plus fixed income returns with a core risk profile, seeking more alpha and less downside volatility than the index and competitors
Total return approach designed to blend a dynamic allocation of fixed income and equities to deliver growth equity returns with less volatility and drawdown
Total return approach aiming to deliver equity-like returns within a fixed income risk profile
Thresher’s flagship investment fund dynamically allocates across Thresher’s Investment Strategies to create a multi-strategy total return approach designed to outperform across different market environments.
Data Visualization
I translate Thresher Fixed’s data-driven story and actionable insights into visuals that allow stakeholders to interpret complex information and make informed investment decisions.